Michael Quirk signed Fix the Grid 2021-10-05 20:58:04 -0500Power plants get off scot free while taxpayers and consumers endure freezing conditions with no electricity or water. Plus we foot the bill for their gross negligence. Fix the damn grid!
Fix the Grid
Many in Lampasas suffered when the power grid failed during the disastrous winter storm of 2021. Instead of getting to work and fixing the grid, Texas state leaders play the blame game and get NOTHING DONE. Powerplants are still not required to winterize their equipment, there's still little to no transparency in ERCOT/PUC, and fundamentally nothing has changed.
Let's send a clear message to our state leaders: FIX THE DAMN GRID!
Protect our voting rights!
We Texans aren't known for being timid, so let's be Texas Bold with our demands. Just as teachers are the profession that create all other professions, voting rights are the rights that create and maintain all others. Petition below:
We must stand against GOP efforts to suppress our right to vote. Just as teachers are the profession that create all other professions, voting rights are the rights that create and maintain all others.
We demand the ending of partisan gerrymandering, expanding voting hours, ending the voter purge, automatic registration, turning Election Day into a holiday, ensure voting is fast and easy, reinstating straight-ticket voting, and more.
All of these things will strengthen and expand our right to vote. Making voting hard is not the same as making it secure. Our voting methods are already very secure, and 2020 was the most secure election in history. Fear-mongering to chip away at voting rights is anti-American, anti-patriotic, and lack common decency.
Let's expand our right to vote, strengthen our civil and human rights, and move our society to new heights.